This is getting ridiculous.

Jul 08, 2009 17:56

So that protective ritual in the men's room at a drugstore last week did not go so well. Just now back from ER and talking to cops.

Why? Where did I find another wild animal in Bartleby, you may ask?

So did you know that we have a Furry Fan club at Meridian? Further, did you know they were holding a demonstration off-campus this afternoon in the same place The Pow-Wows were performing?

Did you know that apparently some furries carry loaded fucking guns and are likely to shoot you in the leg if you try to work out a peacable solution to the double-booking?

So yeah. as Shirley mentioned in the comments on my last post, some of my ghost bottles are missing, including the one that holds (Or, more likely, held) the curse spirit from back home. If you see any sort of bottle lying around sealed with wax with either a six pointed star or a fancy latin palidrome, they're mine. DO not open them, for the love of god, and if you see a clay jar of Yoruban make with a stylized lion on it? check it for cracks from a very safe distance.

(Half a mile with a good telephoto lens might be safe. Maybe. )

If you spot them underwater? Don't even pick them up, just run. Call me or one of my friends and I'll come limping after them thing.

Leaving them in running water is...let's just say it's bad, okay, but touching them after they've been in the water for any length of time without preparation is even worse.

And now the painkillers are kicking in, finally. 

motherfucking mountain lions, ghost stories

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