Nov 30, 2007 15:44
Typed up here as a record, as I have to throw the article out as it's taking up space. This is an article that a Family First party member wrote, to encourage us to vote for him. And I was very annoyed by it. They started off well, and at the end it just got insulting and also reminded me exactly why I don't like them.
"Chance to put your family first"
Blah blah, stuff about families wanting a party in touch with the issues that matter to them, such as skyrocketing petrol and grocery prices, rising interest rates, our precious environment and the challenges of raising kids and providing for their future, ie, Family First.
Okay, sounds fair enough, right? They continue to say that they have plans to
cut petrol tax, guarantee penalty rates and public holidays for all workers, give tax breaks to first home buyers, give all families with children under five a new $4000 childcare payment every year, boost the pension by $70 every fortnight for all pensioners, give all carers four weeks annual leave and more respite facilities, train more doctors and nurses.
All stuff that sounds great.
Then they say this. "South Austrlaians must also decide if they want Family First of the Greens to have the balance of power in the Senate. The Greens are extreme. Do you know they want drug injecting rooms and to legalise drugs such as cannabis and ice for personal use? Do you know the Greens want same-sex marriage and to strip $1 billion from non government schools?"
And that's how they end the article. *sigh* morons. In several ways.