Story notes

Jan 09, 2010 10:50

Marina was in her trailer sitting on her bed. There she was trying to fall asleep but a constant chirping kept her from doing anything. Every time she would lie down the chirp would wake her, or she would walk to the door and chirp would scare her away to her bed where the cycle continued. She knew that it had to have been the smoke detector but every time she walked to the door she would just run back to bed. Marina woke up from dozing off. But then again she never really slept. Only dreamed that she was in her bed, which is where she felt most comfortable to be at the moment. Not that she had not enjoyed herself that night but the warmth of ones sheets always calls the best sleep. The blue tint of sunlight crept in through the cracks between the curtains and windows of Daryl’s trailer. Sitting on the floor with her back leaning on the couch where Daryl was long sleep. She closed the comic book that lay on her lap and looked over at Daryl, sleeping on his stomach with his head turned away from her. He was quiet now and that was all that matter to her. She was happy that he was finally resting.

Suddenly the chirp sounded again as if to say to her that she was still in this perpetual nightmare but she knew she was awake. It came from the hallway and she walked in the dark corridor when it chirped again, this time coming from the bathroom. Looking at the ceiling she saw no smoke detector but heard the chirp again. This time it sounded as if it came from the shower. She opened the door . The shower looked as if it had not been used in months, perhaps even a year. There was a layer of dirty on the floor as well as every edge of the shower. Spider’s had made home in the corners and a few leafs must have blown in from the window that was now closed. When Marina notice this window she saw what looked to be a nest in the window crevus. She saw what looked to be a bird looking at her but her being so tired she did not know what to think. The bird turned its beak quickly to the window and then back at Marina.
“Oh,” she said, moving slowly to the window. “You want to leave.”
She opened the small window and the bird flew out.
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