Oct 17, 2005 19:24
hello all how is it going well good here i guess hmm we have a vball game tomorow and we are gonna win then the last one on friday we are gonna win that too lo we rock any who yea its so sad vball is about to be over i might cry i love all the vball girls they are my bestest of friends its great lol any who yea so im freezing right now its pretty gay
today was an ok day i guess um went to school got there late went to class did my work went to lunch laughed went to english slept went to chemistry and the best thing in the world happened omg let me tell you ok we had a sub and she was talking to manda r. because they go to church together and she was telling manda how she teachers the teachers help and what not so manda was like ok i got it then she got all pissed for some unknown reason and started screaming at the top of her lungs while banging her fists on the desk "WE HAVE TO TEACH THE CHILDREN ABOUT THE BIBLE!!!!..... DONT U MAKE ME MAD!!!" lol it was soo funny so yea every one got quiet and was like woah and jessica ubanwhatevertheheckhernameis started laughing while every one else is silent it was so funny though so i started laughing in my hands it was greatness lol so the whole class period that was all we could talk about hahah fun stuff let me tell ya but that lady is freakin psycho lol any who then vball which was ok so yea peace baffoons...