Apr 11, 2004 14:34
(CBP = Liz)
LiquorxPig: dude, im going to try to organize a protest
CuTeButPsyChO88: bout what darlin???
LiquorxPig: have you heard what stafford county is trying to do to the vocational activities?
LiquorxPig: they're trying to cut all art, music and sports programs
LiquorxPig: the only thing they wouldn't cut is field hockey and football
LiquorxPig: so i was gonna get all my friends together on tuesday and see if we can figure exactly what's going on, who we should be talking to, and whatever else needs to be done
CuTeButPsyChO88: yeah man thats so fucked
LiquorxPig: i know it doesn't really apply to you, since you're going to JM, but its all the rest of the high schools
CuTeButPsyChO88: i can tell you so many reasions why that just makes it seem like there trying to make us unthinking corprate machines
LiquorxPig: indeed
CuTeButPsyChO88: i'll help you if you wish tho
LiquorxPig: and its all because of the stupid budget cuts
LiquorxPig: yeah, i guess we can call you and have you on speaker phone or something
LiquorxPig: lol
LiquorxPig: but the thing is
LiquorxPig: none of the parents know about it
LiquorxPig: it's being kept under wraps, because i mean, what would your mom do if she found out about it?
LiquorxPig: mine almost kirked out, the only reason i know aobut it is because my friend kaiti's mom is a teacher
CuTeButPsyChO88: yeah
CuTeButPsyChO88: well the best thing you can do is raise awareness
Kate called me a hippy when I told her.
Also, I've been throwing around stuff in my head, and every now and then a piece of genius comes out of it. If anyone has heard of something like this, tell me, if you haven't, tell me what you think of it:
I love the Idome theaters in the science museums, the feeling that you are *in* the movie, and I also like seeing movies at home. The problem at home is you have to concentrate on the TV, while distractions (like your fucking annoying family) bustle in and out. Also, when you want to lay down, you have to turn over on your side to see the tv, and anyone who has a couch as lumpy as I do knows what a pain in the ass that is.
So I give you the ultimate tool of an apathetic lethargist: movie goggles. The goggles surround your vision (much like those geeky glasses you use in science class) while the picture plays where the viewing area is located. They would come with a detachable headset, for use with the goggles or with your own sound system, and an optional syncer to attach to another set of goggles (thus allowing two or more people to see the same movie with different goggles).
They would attach to a base unit that would either be sleek (playing only one disk, a minimal device that's cheap) or look something like an Game Cube, which allows for (let's say) 6 DVDs/CDs, multiple goggle outlets (for viewing with friends) and (AND!) a visualization card that you can set up with personal preferences that goes along with whatever beat the music is (like winamp's visualization, only better). You'd be able to rip and burn CDs/DVDs with it, since everything has that capability now, but you'd probably need to pay extra for it since (unfortuanatly) that's how lawsuits start.
So that's my handle. It's simple, and someone has probably already thought of it before, but if not I might be making a trip down to the patent office.
One problem with it: how would you stop it from hurting your eyes? Much as I'd like to say my mother is wrong when she tells me I'm ruining my eyes when I sit too close to the computer or TV, it's true. I get headaches and my eyes dry out if I do it for too long. Maybe include a UV protection screen on the inside of the goggles? Maybe.
This is the rest of my conversation with Liz:
LiquorxPig: yeah, i was thinking of putting up signs around downtown
CuTeButPsyChO88: sounds good
CuTeButPsyChO88: you should set up a booth
CuTeButPsyChO88: or table with info on it
CuTeButPsyChO88: and heckle people as they walk by
LiquorxPig: lol
CuTeButPsyChO88: :-)
CuTeButPsyChO88: i'm serous though
LiquorxPig: I'll bring a soapbox with me
LiquorxPig: where would I do that at?
CuTeButPsyChO88: lol
CuTeButPsyChO88: um i dunno
CuTeButPsyChO88: the collage maybe
LiquorxPig: hey, that's a good idea
CuTeButPsyChO88: um parent PTO meetings are a good place to speak out
LiquorxPig: ehh, I don't know when those are
CuTeButPsyChO88: i alos know a girl wholectric or acoustic?
LiquorxPig: but I'll try to find out
LiquorxPig: er, what?
CuTeButPsyChO88: ahhhh
CuTeButPsyChO88: k
CuTeButPsyChO88: ooops sorry
CuTeButPsyChO88: lol
CuTeButPsyChO88: so yeah that protest
CuTeButPsyChO88: oh shizzle
CuTeButPsyChO88: i know a girl who might be intrested
LiquorxPig: ok, what's her name?
CuTeButPsyChO88: stephany
CuTeButPsyChO88: i'll talk to her bout it
LiquorxPig: ok, cool
CuTeButPsyChO88: OOoKKK well im off
LiquorxPig: you can give her my address if she wants to come
CuTeButPsyChO88: gimmia a call
LiquorxPig: alright, ta ta
CuTeButPsyChO88: bye bye