Jul 01, 2005 22:14
Thursday: Woke up like 9. I cooked breakfast for me, Kate and mom. Twas good. We had eggs. Um then I called Mike to wake him up. Silly boy didnt hear my calls.. So he woke up like 1230. Kate gave me a ride to his house, about 1ish. Then Mike drove his mom to Scranton. We went to the mall when she went somewere. We hung out just, and ate tuna sandwiches from Subway. Then I had to buy gum cause I thought I smelt bad. lol After the mall, we drove up to CMC then back down through Dunmore, and a back way to Jessup. It was fun. Got Sausage, well his mom did. lol... Um then Mike forgot about his sisters... that wasnt nice... Then got his sisters, then back to his house, just chilled and listened to music, and went online. Played one on one and lost... only by a lil bit tho. Billy was so mad at me. I guess he was jealous. He totally freaked at me and Mike. Twas bad. Then he ended up meeting us at the park.. He was mad and threw a Rock at me... It hit the slide... then we walked to Motts... He was a lil nicer to me.. Um and bought doritos. then left motts and hung out again. Then we went back to Motts. Got kicked out almost, cause there was a bug in my hair and i freaked. lol Yeah Twas fun... um then we walked back to mikes house. Um Angel tried to eat Billy. lol Then um we were in the garage, and Billy looked at me and tried to kiss me and i kinda did, but i said this is what your missing. O yeah and at Mikes house, I was laying on the bed and Billy was petting my head, and holding me. It was really nice. I really do love him. But um then it was time to take me home, Billy and I held hands. It was a litle wierd, but i love him. Then Um Billy got online and we talked. He told me he loved me, and wanted to be with me. So he said he was sure. Im guessing he dosnt love Chelsi. He says he dosnt. He can only love one of us though. I hope it is me... Um yea so were offically back together. We both seem to be really happy. I hope so. Um Today: Woke up before 9. I went to see what to do for the cat and such. Then went for my check, with Agnes, then breakfast. I came home sat and was bored and such. Then Amanda invited me over to swim. Had fun. We watched part of Andocondas the second one. Twas good.. Then Billy said he would take us all to the mall. I bought stuff, and had fun. Yea,... Billy is so nice to me. He came to get my food tray from me, and carried my bags... I didnt want him to but he was so nice to me! I love my Billy, I love the old one better, and hes back to himself.. I knew this couple weeks would be good for us.. Im happy. The happiest ive been in about 8 months... Yea.. :) Um we got to spend a lil time together. Then we went to Walmart and had a snack. Um then just came home and chilled, ate a slice of pizza with my mom. tomrrow work 630-3 Call and save me!!! Or just text! Well Thats all for now! I love you so much Billy! <3 *muah* Xoxo Krist