it's not valentine's day anymore, but i must say, my day was a LOT different than all the other years.
saturday morning i almost did a khadeeja by going over to noor's house at 7 something AM. but they picked me up. (kj has the record of coming to my house at 6AM while i was still dead asleep.) anyhoo, we went to the carnival at csun and did volunteer work almost the whole day. noor and i were acting like animals while filling up balloons for lil kids. at one point, i was gonna tie the balloon and noor let it go and it made noise and deflated quite fast. i yelled "no you idiot!!!"...we ended up laughing like maniacs. the guys near us were whispering to each other of how we might need help with it. so they helped and we found out a lot about them. so much that we ended up hangin the rest of the night (evil laugh). one of them ended up being my valentine (don't worry johnny. you were my main valentine. i didn't get to talk to you. <333) anyhoo, we ended the night with noor being a psycho and me falling asleep thinking of my tiger. here are some pics. (party next week w/my babe! holla!)
this was our booth!!
here's me.
noor scared to death the first time we went on the ferris wheel....poor girl.
the ride was shaky. couldn't get both of us. i'm sorry girl!
here's a better one but there's a shadow on our faces. bleh.
and the guy on the left was my valentine. moron wouldn't show his face. lol!!