Mar 10, 2006 09:15
i cant stand ppl that dont go thru shit that youre going thru and they yell at you. its gay. grow up. someone can be seriously fucked and you wouldnt care cuz youre not going thru it so it cant really happen. im not telling anyone whats up for my own personal self esteem. to me i feel if i hide it itll go away. ill give it a little longer its a stupid reason but the meaning behind it sucks. my doctor is the only one that knows. obv cuz she gave me the shit. but like i just dont wanna tell ppl. bob doesnt even fucking know, he just knows how to hold me and comfort me and hes the only one i feel i can cry infront of when i have no reason what so ever. he was there for me and has been there for me more than ever, esp now. hes the best. i just wish i had the courage to tell him. i wish i could tell everyone but i cant. B understands which is great and we had a nice convo about that shit.
everything is just spirraling downwards. if you cant get it thru your head then dont be my friend. i HAVE NOT seen bob that much i saw him sunday-me JENNA and bob hung out. mon-ME AND JENNA HUNG OUT AND WENT TO DINNER!!! tues-bob and i hadda move shit into the house til like 9:15 at night along with my parents. wed-class no bob thurs.-work til 9 but he came with me to get dunks and mcds and today-well fuck you today i am taking the time out to stop rushing around stop going out and sit home(well his house) and be with just him be with him. make him and i feel like we have a relationship cuz for the last 2 weeks we've been scattered everywhere. seriously, no one knows your life but you. so YOU WHO THINKS I HANG WITH BOB EVERYDAY--WRONGO! I DONT I SEE HIM IF IM LUCKY TWICE A WEEK NOW. SEE I WORK ALOT NOW THANK GOD CUZ I NEED IT AND I HAVE CLASS ONE NIGHT A WEEK AND THAT LEAVES ME WITH LIKE AN HOUR AFTER OR ONCE A WEEK.
seriously if you ppl are gonna be like that, then fuck least my relationship with bob is better than anything else ive ever been in. see he treats me right...
i love you baby. im sry.