It's always nice to get back in touch with old friends and see what they're up to - I had an email this morning from my friend Marieke from my undergraduate physics course at the University of Sheffield. She's working on the
T2K neutrino experiment in Japan, and she's taking part in a competition called "FameLab", which she describes as "The Pop Idol of Science". Her profile is
here, so if you feel like voting for her, I know she'd appreciate it ;)
In other news, it looks like a storm has been slowly brewing here at work, and it has broken this morning. I have a whole bunch of live faults and three urgent web releases to process. And here was me hoping I could spend today catching up with my work e-mail and reading LiveJournal. Oh well.
Edit : Also, congratulations to
lucasdigital for passing his driving test, and well done for doing it in fewer attempts than me! I remember well that double take feeling when the examiner says "I'm pleased to tell you you've passed", when all you're thinking is "huh? really? are you sure, but I was hesitant at that roundabout... uh, I mean woohoo!"