I had an immensely irritating dream last night in which some sort of twatoid had installed a modern art piece in my bathroom. As you walked in, there was a sign hanging up from the ceiling saying something along the lines of "Bobby! Don't do it, Bobby!" over to one side was a step ladder, and then in the bath (which was partially filled with water) was a concrete block in the shape of a person with a wire wrapped noose-like around its neck. This wire was connected to the bathroom light. The concrete block had been dropped into the bath and had...
a) pulled the light flex, ceiling rose (note: ceiling rose does not exist) and sizeable chunks of plaster from the bathroom ceiling
b) put a rather massive dent in the floor of the bath, and split it, causing a crack which was mostly filled with the concrete person, but was slowly leaking onto the floorboards.
Understandably, this irritated the living shit out of me as I now had to get the bathroom light re-wired, fix the plastering, buy a new bath, re-plumb it, re-seal it against the tiling etc etc etc.
The worst part is that the art piece actually looked quite cool. Damn the artist, though, if I ever catch him in a subsequent dream I shall wrap live electrical wire around his neck, possibly his testicles too, and then drop him in a bath of water and see how he likes it. Fucker.
This was the second "house anxiety" dream of the weekend, there was one on Saturday night/Sunday morning in which I was trying to lock the front door, but the key just kept turning and turning and turning without locking - grrr!