Mar 24, 2006 14:43
no updates jus storing some rough copies here RABIES SPEECH
THESIS: Many people die because they don’t not know how to identify or treat rabies correctly.
(* play the movie and explain what they are viewing).
You have just viewed an example of what a rapid animal would do to you in the furious stage of the rabies virus. Currently according to research done by Penn State University currently the mid-Atlantic states of V, MD, PA, WV, and the Dis. Of Columbia are experiencing high volume outbreaks of rabies within wildlife and domesticated animals. This posing threats to the people who live in these areas and people who handle wildlife. (* Give some examples on how you could come in contact with a rapid animal- like out walking your dog).
Rabies is not a disease it is a virus that attacks the nervous system. Rabies is always fatal unless the animal or human has been vaccinated and or receives proper treatment. When a rapid animal bites a human and they think the animal may be rapid must receive a series of shots over a period of days usually. Basically once rabies enters an animal it attacks the nervous system and the virus will take full effects in about 2-12 weeks. Humans are different we may not feel the effects for a year or longer and never even know we have it. A human only gets the virus when bitten by an infected animal. The virus enters through a bite because the virus is contained in the animal’s salvia and could enter through an open wound or cut. Identifying an infected animal can be very risky and difficult. But the most obvious factors are if the animal is furious or dumb like and or foaming at the mouth. After this stage the animal experiences a dumb stage when the animal will seem like it is tame and at this stage the animal drools a lot more because it cannot swallow its saliva. After the animal is fully infected the animal will evenly die with in ten days or sooner. If you would expect that an animal is infected with rabies get away from it and call your local police or your wildlife nuisance control officer. If you would happen to get bitten by the animal and if possible you should try shooting the animal to prevent any further spreading of the infection. If you kill it save the head because it will be needed for testing and examining. Then immediately wash the wound with soap and water. After cleaning it apply rubbing alcohol to the infected area. After doing this call your family doctor or call the National Health Line.(* write on board 1-800-692-7254).
In the future I hope that you all use this information due to the rising cases of the virus in the Mid-Atlantic States. Rabies is a virus that attacks the nervous system and can be fatal to both animals and humans. It is transmitted by the animal’s salvia and typically only carried by mammals. An animal with rabies could appear furious, dumb, tame, or even foaming at the mouth. Remember if bitten by an animal you suspect has rabies you should if possible shoot the animal and seek immediate medical treatment. I hope that this information I have provided today will help you identify sick animals and what to do if bitten by one.