Title: When The Day Met The Night
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Word Count: 600+
Spoilers: None
Warning: An f-bomb, that's it.
Summary: Blaine hates being Kurt's moon because you rely on the moon more than initially thought.
A/N: This is drabble. Kind of pointless. But I was scrolling and came across
The Moon. I felt inspired by the title alone and then actually read it. Short but incredibly sweet. So yeah, I got inspiration from it, if you don't mind at all :3
Title and cut from Panic! At The Disco's 'When The Day Met The Night'.
To a lot of people, the moon doesn't hold a lot of significance.
It's there. It's in the sky. It lingers during the day, soft and faded, swamped by the blue. At night, it shines brightly, screaming out to the world that it's there. It doesn't make a big deal. Because after all, it's not perfect like the bubbling sun. The sun that keeps the Earth and the plants alive, helping life grow to become tall and strong. The sun is perfect.
But the moon is different. The moon is cold, ignored by many unlike the sun, the moon has physical faults such as craters and dust. Untouched for a long time but foot and fingerprints still imprinted in the dust when people did actually invade a while ago and left their mark before leaving without looking back. The moon only reflects the sun's light, living under it's glare, doesn't give off his own and you can only see one side of the moon.
The moon isn't seen as something significant. But what some people don't realise is that, without the moon, the effects would be disastrous.
We wouldn't have tides which would create this drastic effect on evolution. Our seasons would become unstable. Everything would change.
Kurt compares Blaine to the moon. Blaine compares himself to the moon. But for very different reasons.
Kurt doesn't like to think about how his life would be effected if his moon went. Kurt relied on Blaine, although unsure just how much he did. Just like the Earth. All he knew was that if Blaine ever went, life would never be the same again. He hates that clinging to Blaine is holding him together but he loves it at the same time. It's been a while since Kurt had someone in his life that meant so much and he tells himself everyday not to get in too deep because he always ends up hurt in the end. When Blaine leaves, he will be the weak, bitter Earth, messing up his mental tides... not really knowing just how much he relied on that moon until it completely faded into the blue.
Kurt has also seen some of Blaine's imperfections and loves him regardless.. The craters, the dust, the damage that those footprints have caused. And it hurts Blaine every time Kurt reminds him of this. Blaine feels like Kurt deserves better. Not a moon, but a sun, because the sun is safe. It's okay to rely on it.
Blaine hates what he is. He feels cold and baron inside. And it angers him that he made himself that way. He's chased after too many boys that just walk over him, stamping their footprints into him and leaving when the choice is theirs. There are too many imperfections to Blaine, according to himself, and his parents mount the pressure to be perfect. This amazing, intelligent being, incapable of hurting anyone, faultless... but he knows he's none of these. Because first of all, he has hurt someone. And that's Kurt. Jeremiah, then Rachel... a sun wouldn't have done that to him. And Blaine fucking resents himself for it.
He wishes that sometimes, more people could see this messed up side of him, rather than this bravado. It would make everything easier for him, so then people wouldn't expect so much from him. Although, yes, solos are fabulous, Blaine sometimes can't stand the attention when he's pushed to centre stage and expected to shine in the dark. It's a false and artificial shine.
Kurt deserves a sun, not this unstable moon that can crush him and destroy his world with the click of it's dusty fingers.