February Pair Challenge

Feb 01, 2014 23:33

Hi everyone! How are your cards going? I hope your prompts are lining up to let you create some wonderful fanworks. However, if you've got the best plotbunny if only that one prompt would be in a slightly different spot, this challenge may be of interest to you.

This post is announcing the February Pair Challenge, in which you can choose any two prompts on your card, regardless of how they are positioned, to combine in a fill which will be scored the same way as a diagonal or mirror-image pair, i.e., minimum of 6000 words, 110 points per 5000 words.

Signups for the February Pairing Challenge are now closed

(This is not where you sign up to receive a card - to do that, go here.)

1. To sign up for this challenge, comment to this post with the two prompts which you wish to use.

2. You may use the Wild Card as one of your prompts; however, if you do this you need to state when you sign up which prompt you will be assigning the wild card space.

3. Sign ups for this challenge will remain open until the end of February. You may only sign up for one pair at a time; i.e. if there are two prompt pairs you'd like to use, you will need to complete and post the first before signing up for a second.

4. There is no deadline within which your fill must be completed - as long as you sign up before the end of the month and your comment specifying the prompts remains here, you can take as long to complete the fill as you like.

Feel free to pm me or email longficbingomod@gmail.com with any questions.

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