This is the post where you can sign up with a goal to complete by December for bonus points! (This is not where you sign up to receive a card. If you're looking to do that, you should go
It works like this: the deadline for goal completion is December 1st. As long as it's still December 1st somewhere in the world by the time you reach your goal, you're set! Sign-ups will remain open until then.
Comment to this post with your goal, which should be either the number of squares or the word count that you are aiming to complete. If your goal is to fill a certain number of squares, it doesn't matter whether each square receives its own fill or you combine them into an extra.
Keep in mind that to reach your goal, the completed fics have to be posted to this community, and when you post here it has to be with a bingo or an extra. Allowing for that, the smallest goal possible would be two squares or 6000 words, the minimum needed to complete a diagonal or mirror image pair.
If you post at least one fill to this community before the deadline, you receive 50 bonus points. If you reach your goal before the deadline, provided your goal is more than the minimum 2 squares or 6000 words, you will receive 100 bonus points.
This bonus challenge is supposed to provide a bit of deadline-based motivation to those who find it helpful; if that's not you, feel free to continue with the challenge as you have been. If you'd like me to clarify anything, send a PM or email