May 09, 2005 19:37
i'm so emotional. i know why i am, but i hate being emotional. and fighting with people and wanting nothing more than to kick certain people in the face.
_i'm not sure if anybody noticed- but there was a graduation countdown poster that was in the hallway. and it may not have been amazing handwriting, because i'm not a very good painter, and it may not have been laminated but there was one. right by the counseling office. and torie and spag came up to me today and basically told me to take it down, because it wasn't fair to torie. and according to torie, she was "very hurt" that there was another one made over her stupid laminated one that is on the senior board. ok. yours is nice. its fucking laminated for god sakes. but i was told to make a poster, which is tradition anyways, and i put it up. and i was told to take it down because torie wanted hers to have the attention. it wasn't even taking away from hers. and torie just goes "i'm sorry, i'm just being honest" and i held back from being honest because i would've chewed that high voiced, cheerleading, know-it-all bitch out otherwise. ugh, whatever. god.
_i then go to 5th period. advanced photography. which i by the way, think is the biggest joke in the entire world, because she gives us assignments to follow. that's understandable for beginning because they don't know what they're doing. the pictures that people in my class take are amazing. why the hell is she giving us assignments and telling us what to do, when we know what we're doing. and we take good pictures. if it's photography it should be our own thing, not what someone is telling us to do. anyway. i have to show the crazy woman my photography journal. which i take a lot of pride in, because it's mine. and i can do what i want. and she proceeds to tell me that what i'm doing is wrong, gets mad cause i used the word FUCK (yeah.. well..), and tells me that each page needs to tie together. i'm so mad. how the hell can you tell me how to do art. you can't even finish your sentences.
and i have now started stressing on senior project.
this is not an important entry. i'm just pissed and emotional
i had to put this somewhere-
today just ended up in me possibly just wanting to kick a lot of people
and i fought with my mom. which i hate doing- god.
but, darrell is really hot. and probably the man.