brunette20in20: Amanda Palmer

Jun 01, 2010 13:18

20 Amanda Palmer icons for brunette20in20
Comment, credit, don't change, don't hotlink. ♥


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art: icons, music: amanda palmer

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longerthanwedo June 1 2010, 21:45:13 UTC
And I'm halfway through my couples set right now xD Aha, I have no idea.

Thanks :D


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longerthanwedo June 1 2010, 21:49:44 UTC
Aha, awesome. I love those two.

Yeah, definitely. I've only worked a tiny bit with Gimp, but I have it on my computer.
I think so too, haha. Every month I get faster at making my sets xD


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longerthanwedo June 1 2010, 21:53:52 UTC
Yeah. I had Elements 7 for a long time, but this year I managed to find a really good deal on CS4, so I bought that. It's awesome :D


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longerthanwedo June 1 2010, 22:16:23 UTC
Ahh, yeah. I guess I could've used that, then, lol. I have a PC.


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