Picspam: 20 Girlcrushes (Or Lots of Pretty Women)

Apr 27, 2010 18:20

Hello, and welcome to my journal of squee. I’ve been home sick from school, nearly bored to death, and having nothing better to do than condense my multitude of girlcrushes into a picspam. Feel free to ignore my comments that will probably consist of nothing but “prettyprettypretty”, and just enjoy :)

Alison Sudol of A Fine Frenzy. I’ve been listening to her sing for the past two weeks straight probably, and I’m completely in love with her voice and her lyrics. She’s incredibly talented, and incredibly beautiful. And she has awesome hair.

I love Alyson Hannigan. She’s a great actress, she’s completely adorable, and she’s married to Alexis Denisof, which is just made of win. She and her daughter have the same birthday as my mom, too, which is pretty cool. Also, she smiles in photoshoots and it never looks fake, which means she’s also magical.

Amanda Fucking Palmer is the most epic person ever. Lead singer of The Dresden Dolls, her own solo work, and now Evelyn Evelyn, she has an amazingly strong, unique voice. She’s smart, her writing is phenomenal, and she likes to hang around naked a lot. Plus, she said my drawing of her was “unfuckingbelievable” which pretty much made my life.

Amy Acker is an amazingly talented actress. She can play double roles (Fred/Illyria, Claire/Whiskey/Others) perfectly, and you just love her all the while. She’s also gorgeous, even with scars on her face, or weird blue makeup.

Ashley is probably one of the most beautiful girls ever. She just looks good all the time; when she’s acting, when she’s modeling, when she’s wearing no makeup, or when she’s covered in yellow paint stuff. Plus, she’s probably the best thing about the Twilight movies.

Charisma is awesome. I kind of love Cordelia a lot, and Charisma plays the transition from spoiled rich girl to badass half-demon higher being perfectly. And seeing her as Kendall on Veronica Mars just cracked me up a lot. Also, she’s hot.

I love Dichen a whole lot right now. She’s amazing as Sierra/Priya on Dollhouse, she has an awesome Austrailian accent, she’s from Tibet, she has cool glasses, and she’s beautiful. And I just drew a picture of her, tweeted it to her, and she liked it and thanked me, which increased my love by a billion.

Eliza Dushku is seriously gorgeous. She’s funny, she’s charismatic, and she’s talented. People say she’s not a good actress, but I disagree, especially after watching her switch between so many different roles in Dollhouse. She’s awesome.

Emilie Autumn is crazy weird awesomeness. She can pull off very, very strange looks and you still think, “Wow, she’s pretty.” She has an amazing voice, a unique style of music, and she rocks tiny little hats. Yay.

Emily Haines is the lead singer of Metric, and she also has her own solo band (Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton). She has a beautiful voice and a beautiful face, and her lyrics are some of my favorites ever.

Greta Salpeter of The Hush Sound and now Gold Motel is one of my favorite people. She plays amazing piano, has a beautiful voice, and is absolutely adorable. She told me the drawing I gave her was the best she’s ever gotten, and we emailed a bunch about her possibly coming to Alaska. I love her.

Hayley of Paramore has a serious talent. Her voice is just incredibly strong, she’s funny and awesome, and she rocks about every shade of red, orange and yellow hair there is while still looking gorgeous.

Kristen is a really, really great actress. She’s funny and sweet, and she makes you love her just by smiling. She’s beautiful.

Meg and Dia Frampton are two sisters in a band called (surprise) Meg & Dia. They’re both extremely talented and gorgeous, and they’re adorable with each other and the rest of their bandmates. Check them out (and also listen to their music.)

Regina Spektor is made of win. She’s a phenomenally talented singer, songwriter, lyricist, and pianist, and she has the most amazing eyes ever.

Sarah Michelle Gellar is a really excellent actress. I’ve loved her in everything I’ve seen her in, and that’s a fair number of things. She’s also so, so pretty, so that’s a plus.

Summer is a multitalented wonder. She’s a great actress, a beautiful ballet dancer, and she’s trained in multiple kinds of martial arts. Everyone, if you haven’t, go watch Firefly, because she’s incredible. Also, she’s beautiful and really fun to draw.

The Like is a band made up of awesome girls. Z, Tennessee, Laena, and Annie. They’re all talented, beautiful, and have awesome names. Seriously, Laena Geronimo, how awesome is that?

Victoria Asher is the Keytarist in a band called Cobra Starship. She’s hilarious, talented, gorgeous, and has the cutest dog ever. Named Gizmo. Cute. Also, she liked my drawing. Extra love points.

Last but definitely not least, Zooey Deschanel. I first saw her in Elf, and it was my favorite movie when I was younger. I’ve seen her in lots of things, and I think she’s a really amazing actress. She has a beautiful singing voice too, and obviously a beautiful face.

Phew. That’s it. Well, not it on my whole long list of girlcrushes, but that’s it for now. I was tempted to add William Beckett to this list, because he’s pretty, and often mistaken for a girl by my family, but I decided to spare him. This time. ;)
Hope you enjoyed my rambling and pretty pictures.

actress: alyson hannigan, actress: eliza dushku, art: picspam, music: emilie autumn, music: emily haines, music: alison sudol, music: hayley williams, actress: amy acker, music: the like, actress: kristen bell, music: regina spektor, music: meg and dia, music: greta salpeter, actress: dichen lachman, music: victoria asher, actress: charisma carpenter, actress: ashley greene, actress: zooey deschanel, actress: summer glau, actress: sarah michelle gellar, music: amanda palmer

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