10 Songs

Jul 21, 2009 20:59

Title: 10 Song Drabbles
Author: longerthanwedo
Beta: melody_so_sweet
Pairing: Rydon
Rating: All PG-ish
Summary: 10 around 100 word-length drabbles for the song meme.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any characters or any of these songs.
Author’s Notes: I decided to try the song meme. All these were Rydon in my head, but it’s never specified, so really it could be anything. This was so much fun, seriously, everyone should do it :)

Title: This Broken Heart
(This Broken Heart - Something Corporate)
Brendon’s POV

You thought I couldn’t see the way you used me, the way you took my feelings for granted, the way you manipulated my heart and mind.

The truth is; I always could. I knew what you did wasn’t because you loved me, I knew you kept me around for entertainment, for a hobby of sorts.

But I stayed; I stayed because I loved you. I thought my feelings would influence you, and maybe you would learn to love me too.

But that never changed. You never changed.

But I did. I realized that I was doing myself more harm by staying than I would if I left.

So I did; I left, and my heart broke as soon as I shut the door.

But my broken heart is stronger now than it was when it was whole.

Title: Drunk Girl Boy
(Drunk Girl - Something Corporate)
Ryan’s POV

I’ve never done this.

I’m always careful not to start a relationship until I know for sure that it’ll turn out well.

But at that party, out on his lawn, the atmosphere tasting of sweat and alcohol, I let my guard down. I saw him sitting by himself, staring out into space, black hair glittering under the dark lights.

I didn’t know anyone there so I sat down by him. It was harmless, I was being friendly.

Harmless, until he looked me in the eyes, his own deep brown and pupils blown. He leaned close to me, so close that my thoughts blurred and I couldn’t be rational.

I never do this, I thought.

But I did. I kissed a drunk boy, kissed a drunk boy on the lips. His eyes were open, and I know he doesn’t feel anything other than physical towards me. but already I’d become attatched. This beautiful boy, I knew, would haunt my thoughts for weeks. Why did I do this to myself? I thought.

I kissed a drunk boy, and I wonder.

Does he even remember?

Title: Therapy
(Therapy - All Time Low)
Brendon’s POV

I face the crowd like I have so many times before.

I sing the words to your songs like I have so many times before.

I look over you and its just habit, automatic, my eyes seeking out your face, seeing your expression as you lose yourself in the music. You look up.

You look up and our eyes lock, and the feeling is so strong, coursing through my whole body.

My lungs seem to collapse, leaving my voice choked off and suspended in the air for a moment until I look away.

I look away, but I don’t see the crowd anymore. Your face swims in my mind, behind my eyelids.

This feeling, it’s taking me over and it scares me. It feels dangerous, like it could crush me at any moment. It’s overwhelming and I know I should try to resist.

But as your music fills my ears and your voice fills my heart, I smile.

Title: Bleed
(Bleed - Anna Nalick)
Ryan’s POV

I used to spend nights hiding beneath my blankets, cowering against the words I knew would come.

I used to sit at the dining room table with your glare piercing my face, and I’d try to force the insults you threw at me under the wood and into the floor.

I used to sleep fitfully, fearfully, trying for a moment to forget you were there, forget you were alive.

But that was a year ago.

Finally I built up enough strength to stand up and push you down.

I packed up my heart and put on armor to withstand you. And I walked out.

I walked away from you and all the pain that you brought. And it was harder than I thought it would be.

Today I’m still trying to kill the ghost of you that lives with me too.

Memories of you are like a sword against me, but the metal has dulled over the days.

Now I’m finally free; the edge of your sword is no longer sharp enough to make my poor heart bleed.

Title: Bruised
(Bruised - Jack’s Mannequin)
Ryan’s POV

I sit against the fake leather seat and try not to cry.

I hear the flight attendant rattling off safety information and I squeeze my eyes shut.

I rest my head against the window as the plane takes off and I wince as each bump jostles my fragile heart.

I sit there, almost motionless, thinking of the hours passing and thinking of you. I think of how you’re thinking of me, because I know you are. I know you are.

I hear the music playing softly through the plane’s speakers and each word makes me want to turn this plane around.

Each word makes me want to stay.

Minutes, hours, they pass slowly and painfully and I will the pilot to fly slow, keep the plane steady to lessen the hurt.

I sit against the seat and the window, eyes shut against the thoughts and the tears.

I didn’t mean for this to happen.

When I left I didn’t think it would feel like this. So painful, every thought tender.

Like every inch of me is bruised.

Title: Pretty Down To Your Bones
(Pretty Down To Your Bones - The Hush Sound)
Brendon’s POV

Your face is the only thing I see right now.

Your hazel eyes, shimmering with golden highlights, pupils pure black. The almost matching shade of your hair that falls perfectly across your forehead.

The line of your nose, the curve of your lips. Your lips, pink and soft and mine.

You’re perfect, so perfect, so beautiful.

And you belong to me. You’re all mine, and I love that.

I love the way you are, and you say the same to me.

You’re ivory and wire and pearls. You’re delicacy and strength.

And I’d never want anyone else.

Title: Kiss You Goodnight
(Kiss You Goodnight - Meg & Dia)
Ryan’s POV

For so long I’ve been afraid.

I’ve been running from my feelings, from your feelings, whatever those might be. I’ve been running from time, from the moment I knew would come when I’d have to come up with enough courage to act on these feelings.

And tonight, tonight I can feel it coming.

I see you in the dark, in my living room, laughing at something and glowing with your own personal light.

That light seems to give me courage, maybe not quite as much as I’d want, but just barely enough.

I move closer and your eyes keep me stable. You’re questioning but at the same time it looks like you’re waiting, or like you’ve been waiting and you know you won’t have to any more.

I press my lips to yours.

And it’s like what I’ve wanted all these years is finally falling into place.

For so long I’ve wanted this. And tonight, tonight. Tonight my heart fills with a feeling that I can place but I don’t quite have the courage to name. Tonight I have everything I’ve ever wanted, right in front of me, right there, inside your skin.

In the morning I don’t know what will happen.

But for now that doesn’t matter, because I’ve gotten what I’ve waited for.

All this time, I’ve wanted to kiss you goodnight.

Title: Stick-Sweet
(Sticky-Sweet - Erin McCarley)
Ryan’s POV

When you smile it makes me happy, every time.

Even when you don’t, when you just look at me, when you watch me smile. You turn everything in my life a brilliant bright blue; you turn my heart a bright glowing red.

Your hands in mine remind me why it is I live. Your sweet lips on mine set my mind in a whirl, your voice is equally sweet music playing in my ears.

You remind me how lucky I am to have you when you tell me how lucky you are to have me. You make me the most fortunate man in the world.

When you tell me your dreams, they inspire me. You make me dream, you give me entirely new dreams.

Dreams I never dreamed I’d have.

Title: 40 Steps
(40 Steps - The Academy Is…)
Brendon’s POV

All I wanted was to know.

All I needed was an answer; was this for real?

I never was certain. You never made it clear.

I knew what I felt. What I felt was a fire, an explosion that only we could ever share. I knew that.

But I didn’t know anything that went on in your mind. I didn’t know if you returned my feeling, you never made it clear.

I think you were afraid.

You were afraid of what you felt, of what I felt. I think you were afraid of anything you couldn’t control. Anything that didn’t have a straightforward explanation.

and I think you were afraid of me.

you knew what I felt, you knew I would follow you anywhere, stick by your side.

And you distanced yourself.

You didn’t answer my questions, you didn’t tell me what I needed to know.

You just left us here, in this silence that never ended.

This silence that surrounded me like flames that would never back down.

Title: Backyard
(Backyard - Natasha Bedingfield)
Brendon’s POV

I wish we could go back in time.

Back to when we were both so young, so innocent. Back when all we saw was the good, the bright side. When all we saw was each other.

I wish we could go back to jokes and fairytales. Back to hide-and-seek and playing roles and being superheroes.

I want to journey back to that time when everything was easier.

When there was nothing to worry about, nothing to avoid other than the thorns in the rose bed.

But with time, the thorns grew. Life complicated what we had. Our simple love that was hand in hand and playing through the sunny days.

The people we were, the feelings we had, somehow got buried beneath our life. Our old selves were lost in the backyard.

Why can’t we be how we were?

Drawing our names in the sand, meeting in the garden.

I wish we could go back to being young and in love.

Back to the backyard.

pairing: ryan ross/brendon urie, writing: songfic, writing: slash

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