The Best Day Ever So Far. The End.

Jun 27, 2009 18:13

Okay, so you probably all know this, because i've been freaking out about it ever since i found out i was going, but i went to see The Cab along with The Secret Handshake, Anarbor, The Summer Set, and Eye Alaska on June 24th while I was in Portland visiting my grandparents. In short, it was amazing, I met them all, and i was so very excited afterwards that i sat down and typed over 1000 words describing every little detail. And I'm posting it here, for anyone who cares.

So here goes. A full account of my concert experience.

So I waited in line for about two hours because my grandparents were driving past to just see where the theater was and I saw there were already people there in line so I was like “Stop now!” and they dropped me off and brought me a giant sandwich and my mom later.

Then we got inside at six and we were looking at all the merch tables, and we got to The Cab’s table and I was like “Oh, look! It’s Johnson!” to my mom. So we went over there and I had my big folder of drawings and I was like, “Hey, I have some pictures I drew of you guys”

And he said, “Well, let’s see them.” And I handed him the drawings. It just so happened that his was the one on top. He was like “Wow! Wow! You did these? Wow! Can we take these, or are you taking these?”

And I said they were for him, and he took a picture with me:

And I told him that I was from Alaska which made him go “Wow!” again.

And then he said, “I gotta go show these to the other guys!” and he went backstage.

Johnson was really adorable and quite tall.

Then a minute later we were still by the table, and Cash comes out. He was looking around and I was like, “did you see my drawing?”

And he went, “That was you?! Wow! You’re very talented! And you’re from Alaska?” and I said yes and we took a picture:

And then we bought some shirts and had him sign them. He signs stuff “Cash $”

Cash is really tiny. He may have even been shorter than me, I’m not sure. He was really sweet, and he seemed like…genuine, I guess.

Then the show started.

Anarbor played first, and they were pretty good, even though they’re not very polished on stage yet. The guy has a really good voice.

Anarbor is a very hot band.

Next was Eye Alaska, and I actually liked them better live than I do on record, because live they have less of the computerized stuff in the background. The singer was kind of weird though. He had a little fringed backpack on, for some reason, haha.

The Summer Set was after that, and they were all really young and cute. The singer had a Batman shirt on, and the guitarist had an Anarbor shirt on. They were good.

The Secret Handshake was on next, and they were awesome. Luis was all bouncy and excited and somehow he was wearing a hat even though it was boiling in there. They had giant TSH lights flashing. I got some videos. At one point in one of them Johnson came out onto the stairs on the side of the stage and was watching. I think I got that on video. And then some other time Cash was sitting there watching him. Luis got the whole crowd jumping up and down and it was all really fun.

Next was The Cab! They were amazing. Singer has the best talking voice ever. And, well, singing voice as well, obviously. He was spazzing around all over the place and it was really hard to get pictures because he would never stay still. But I got a few videos. I think my favorite song was Vegas Skies because it was just Singer and Bryan, and it was sooo pretty. Bryan is a really good guitar player, and I was also very impressed with Cash and his bass skillage. I don’t remember how many songs they played, but The City Is Contagious was their “last song” but everyone was chanting, “One more song! One more song!” so they went back on, and Bryan did a giant guitar solo, and then they played Disturbia, lol, and then Bounce. It was so much fun; they’re really a great live band.

After the show the first person I found was Luis. He was surrounded by a zillion people but he was signing everything and taking pictures with everyone, and I waited for a while but finally I was able to talk to him. I was like, “Hey! Did you get the picture I drew?”

And his eyes went all wide and he was like, “That was you?! That was amazing! Thank you so much, thank you so much! I really appreciate it!” and he said stuff like that over and over again.

And then I said I was from Alaska, and he was surprised and impressed, and then he asked me what my name was and I told him and then he was like “I’m Luis,” and shook my hand.

He was incredibly adorable and sweet, and also really hot ;)

I got a picture:

Next I found Bryan, and people were crowding around him too, and I waited, and then just as I went up to him and asked him if he got the picture I drew, the bouncer guys were telling everyone to leave and go outside. Bryan said he hadn’t gotten my drawings yet, and that they were probably in the van, and that he wanted to see them.

Then we had to go outside, and Bryan was taking more pictures, and he talked to us for a bit, actually. We told him we were from Alaska, and by that time my sister and grandparents were there and I got a picture and so did my sister, and Bryan told me that I should get a myspace and message him so he could tell me how much he loved the drawing. Those were his words.

Bryan was really cute and incredibly sweet and he seemed like he was just having the best time saying hi to all the fans and taking pictures, and he probably was, since he’s so new to all of this. I liked him a lot.

By that time the only people that were outside were Cash and Bryan, and finally after we asked Bryan where his “honored bandmates” (mom’s words) were, he went to go find them.

Turns out they were in the back talking to fans out there, so we went over and we didn’t see anyone until I noticed Bryan was walking over to the other side of the street, by the Fred Meyer. And then I saw Alex Deleon in his little hat talking to everyone. So we went over there and waited for a while and then got up to him and I asked him the same thing, whether he got my drawings, and he did the same thing and said “Woah! That was you? Thank you so much!” and then he hugged me, and my mom had the camera, so we just kind of stayed there while she took a picture.

Then my sister asked for a picture, and he went up and put his arm around her, and he was like “hey, why are you shivering? Are you cold?” and she said, “No, I’m just nervous.” And he asked why she was nervous and she said she was just excited and he went “Aww, honey,” and got all snuggly and adorable and he actually kissed her head, I think. He was so, so sweet and so gorgeous and I think the first thing I noticed when I got up close was that he had an adorable nose, lol. I really, really wanted to cuddle with him. forever. He was amazing.

After that we saw that a giant crowd had gathered around on the other side of the street, back towards the venue, and we figured it must be Marshall because we hadn’t seen him yet.

So we went over there and there were a ton of people and we kind of made our way up to the front and when he had done a few photos we were like “Hey, we’ve got some really old people waiting in the car, do you think we could go next?”

And he said sure and I asked him about the drawings and he hadn’t gotten them yet but he said that they’ve gotten a couple pictures from “crazy artists” this tour and he said, “I bet you’re a crazy artist, right?” and I was all *shrugs* and he was like, “hey, don’t be modest. You’re crazy, yep?” and I just smiled and stuff cos I didn’t know what to say to that, really. I got a picture, and my sister did too, and he signed stuff.

Marshall was absolutely gorgeous, guys. He had the most amazing eyes EVER no kidding. They were all big and he had these incredibly long eyelashes. I was all *_* and even my mom made a comment about it later. She was like, “that boy had some seriously beautiful eyes!” And he did. He was great.

I think that’s all. This thing is 1,500 words long. That’s more than a typical chapter of my fic. Wow. Now all I have to do is wait for Bryan to message me back on myspace, and everything will be great J

Lofe to all and lofe to Anarbor, Eye Alaska, The Summer Set, The Secret Handshake, and The Cab.

Best night of my life <3

music: the cab

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