Mar 24, 2009 13:38
A few updates before I make a major (but none the less, stupid) complaint.
China- China is like 85% ready. The school is doing it's school thing (AKA- Taking their good ol' time). But besides that, I was ASSURED that the school would approve my loan (In full) AND pay for a portion of the trip. So all is good.
School- School is going well. I am doing well in all of my classes. All is good.
Complaint- This is a rather stupid complaint, but a complaint no less. I dont have anyone to talk to about relationship stuff. And I say that because all of my friends who I could talk to about dating are in Japan and the rest of my friends are either 1) Very close to the person to whom I am seeking advice on or 2) Do not understand what the fuck a relationship is.
The reason for this is, I am not sure what to do with my current relationship. I don't want to break up with Linda. Let me get that out there right now.
But I also dont know what I do want. I find myself more and more often annoyed with her shit. She is constantly, or maybe it just seems this way to me, to be on my case about all kinds of stupid shit. Like, real off the wall stuff too. Like how she was angry because I never help her put her coat on or something. And some days she just comes from out of nowhere and says things like "Remember when you used to (Insert action here)? You don't do that anymore..."
And that shit pisses me off. Like, a lot. A lot a lot.
Its not like I dont love her and she is still a good girlfriend. She is nice to me and takes care of me and does generally all of the good things a good girlfriend should do... she also just happens to do a bunch of the bad things a bad girlfriend would do. And if I bring it up, she starts to cry.