Dec 18, 2008 01:41
Woo for the approaching Christmas. You know... with the family and the gatherings... the presents and the shopping... the Jesus and his B-day. Fun times and all...
I actually finished all my shopping today. I wish I had a few more funds, so that I could have bought more presents. Sadly, I could not. Therefore, most of my friends didn't get anything... *sad face* Or if they did, it was like a $1 box of chocolate. I bought some stuff for Linda, my parents, and my uncle. Shopping for my uncle was strange because... he wanted socks... Felt I should mention that my uncle asked for socks for christmas.
I wonder if as we get older, the things we want for Christmas become generally more and more manageable and realistic. Looking over my 12 year old cousin's christmas list, nothing on his list was less than $65, (as a note: Xbox 360 games are expensive. :D ). My list was composed mostly of movies and one game, with an average cost of around $15. And then my uncle asked for socks, while the other one asked for a gift card. Needless to say, my uncle's got what they want, while my cousin will be enjoying a nice, not- xbox 360 game. (Since neither my uncle or I... nor our combined powers of monies, could realistically afford it and still buy things for other people.)
I would also like to point out that one of my cousins asked for a box of cereal... >.>
Home is better than usual. Cold... like usual (My father doesn't understand the concept of a heater, it seems), but I am doing not so bad. Bad news is.... I am so hungry. :X
My mother has agreed to assist me in my diet... but she went into hard core diet mode and therefore... well, lets just say I had a granoila bar and a bowl of chili. Fatty needs food. :X
Good news-
I didn't fail out of college. Didn't bring my GPA up enough to go to Japan yet, but didn't fail out... that really was suppose to sound much better than it did.
This semester was rather bad. I had a few classes that were just horrible and to be truthful, I eventually just gave up and was just waiting out the semester.