This is a bit surprising...

Nov 22, 2008 02:39

To save time and space, I have been living with Linda all week. (Not because of anything bad. I just basically moved in for the week and stayed at her place, did laundry, etc. etc.) and it was an overall good time. (NOTE: Her room mate is an eceptionally rude woman who doesn't know when to hold her tongue.)

And after classes today, she went home and now...

I'm lonely. :(

Yes, yes... I am actually saddened by the fact that my Girlfriend is not here and that I can't spend time with her. A positive of the situation is that I can spend some time with some friends that I had been ignoring (not on purpose, of course). But I want to whine and bitch about how much I miss my GIIIIIIIIRRRRRLLLLLLFFFRRRIIIEEEENNNDDDD.... :D
(See that... I was being silly)

It is almost official. I have filled out the paper work. The plans are in the process.
I will be moved out before Christmas break.
Shocker, huh?
Well, the reason is that having a Japanese room mate isn't as much fun as expected and I would rather enjoy living by myself again. In fact, I would prefer it. Especially due to recent events in which Tomohiro banned my girlfriend from the room (hence the above) because he doesn't like her or something.
Nothing against him. It is just when I am in relaxation mode, I would rather not have to deal with other people, nor do I wish to have to consider others opionions when I am in my own room. Which does make me selfish, but its just something I am. I spend the entire day giving into other peoples demands. I think a few hours a day can be reserved for me.
(I sound like a major prick...)
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