Jan 21, 2006 17:14
(An Email from my Dad):
LIVES!(?) (and is finally at home)
Two of my 'FRIENDS' (Paul Licatta & George Falkowski) that don't even know each other (as far as I know, and heaven help us if they meet!!!!!), have dubbed me thus! I just HAD to tell my wife my walking was somewhere between Frankenstein & John Wayne...and then she had to spread that description!
BTW, Tomorrow will be the one month 'anniversery' of Wayne meets the Lexus SUV....(Round #1 to the SUV... hoping there's no round
12/22-12/30 I don't remember! (The wife claims I tried to communicate a number of times.
I 'awoke' on New Year's Eve and have been annoying everyone possible since). Punctured lung, broken ribs, bruised kidney &
spleen, as well as a concussion.
Began rehab on 1/6, and can now walk short distances without the walker, and pretty far with it. (Bad grammer, sorry!)
Will be having out patient therapy for a while as well as at-home work outs, etc.
Best hope for a return to work is a month+or-, my uneducated guess!
Anyway, it's good to be home, and thanks once again for all the prayers, well wishes, cards, etc.!
-Wayne (or should I say, 'Franken-wayne)