"I have experience with crimes of passion, not crimes of crime!"

Jul 23, 2012 01:27

Wow, it's been a long time, eh? Like, years. Hope they've been as good for you as they've been for me! But yes, long time.

Luckily, I have amazing friends that lock me in podficcing closets (no, not a metaphor - an actual closet) with microphones when I come to visit them, so you can all thank brimtoast for this (no, seriously, thank her).

I highly doubt anyone still reads or follows this page, but if they do: here is the long-awaited (har de har) Chapter 12 of Drop Dead Gorgeous, subsequent chapters hopefully to follow.

Chapter 12 - A Veela's Face (mediafire)
The song used is Kimbra's 'Good Intent'

I was going to get super-apologetic because really 4 years is a ridiculously long time to abandon a project, but hey! I have spent those 4 years doing a wide variety of other excellent things, although doing this has made me remember how much fun it is. So I won't do that. However, I do apologise for the fact that a lot of the voices may not be as you remember them - I'm older, my voice is different, and I didn't have much of a chance to re-listen to how I used to do the voices before I was stuffed into the aforementioned closet, so I apologise for any discrepancies, and there will be discrepancies. Also, obviously French Canadian accents come more easily to me, so I apologise for giving Louison that particular lilt (which he does slip in and out of, and which is stronger on certain phrases than others, which is common and was done on purpose). Feel free to leave feedback here or chat with me on twitter.

Happy listening! Feel free to pass it along to people who used to listen to it, but please don't contact the author about it - the original story is now offline, and as she was lovely enough to write such a wonderful thing to give to us in the first place, let's all play by her rules :)

much, much love,

*camera 3, podfic, drop dead gorgeous

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