Jun 04, 2005 20:16
here we go for round 2 of my trying to update lj. i have figured out that one of my entries, that i have already corrected, was dated 2011 for some odd reason, so i needed to backdate everything. however, im pretty sure lj should allow you to push the back button and your stuff still be there. it has been 3 times now that this incident has happened to me.
my week has been pretty super.
i went to eat at lampupu with mamalee and annaannaanna88 because they are sexy. note to self, however, dont talk crap about the bible school or its "members" while sitting next to mdbers. dirty looks were given, but in reality, the truth must be known about that crazy cult. eek.
tessa and i also got to do a wee bit of shopping for our favorite short term spaniard. ellie...get excited in 4-6 business days because it will be like santa visited early this year...i also expect to see comments about your package o fun immediately following its arrival. ps. tessa hearts the postman aka mr. andrews from titanic even tho he lives in the gahetto.
i was also blessed to get to visit a quaint little place i like to call jesse black's saloon in leesburg with brandon and his DAD. it was interesting. bikini bullriding. i heart lake county and everything it stands for. however, i might be participating come mid august. :) hehe.
work was super and tom bought me that of an alcoholic beverage after calling me "tinkerbell." that's one i haven't heard before. he has a lot of nicknames for me as well as words of wisdom that i might soon stitch onto a sampler. nicknames and words of wisdom will follow in list form:
words of wisdom:
marry rich.
dont date the dudes that work at the golf course that hit on me (aka the asst pro and the cart guy...im sure tom wasn't talking about himself tho)
look for brains and then everything else.
im sure there were more but sometimes i tune out bc i try and concentrate to determine which eye is made out of glass. haha.
in other news...
last saturday, i woke up in excruciating pain in my back/side...where my kidney would be located. it hurt super bad and i didnt know what to do so i starting throwing up and screaming...but no one came. and then the next think ya know...im laying on my bathroom floor. rumor has it that i passed out. scary...but nothing has happened since...knock on wood.
last night, i went to celebrate jessica and anne's 21st birthdays. we went on the trolley and fun was had by all. there was a brawl by some lake county girls that ended in an arrest. it was kind of neato.
funniest quote of the night:
"ew. dont let the asain girls in VIP! they are ugly and we hate them!"
-brett t winters
wes might be purchasing a log cabin in the tennessee mountains. it has a hot tub and a bar. maybe even mountain men.
i hate homework and everything it stands for so im pretty sure im not going to be doing it. also, i feel as if i am getting sick bc my glands are swollen and its hard for me to swallow. pity me.
mystery to ponder:
i haven't eaten in over 24hours due to my sore throat, etc. yet i have gained 4 pounds. could someone please explain this phenomenon.
cheers my friends,