Longbottom Weekly: June 13, 2011

Jun 13, 2011 13:21

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Hogwarts: The RPG for hp_porninthesun. Escaping a mob of fans, Neville and Harry have a Close Encounter. (Neville/Harry, NC-17)
darth_gojira wrote Potions Lesson. Hermione. Neville. Late-night potions. Do the math. (Neville/Hermione, NC-17)
proudpansy wrote two fics:
Always Always. This story is set during the Battle of the Tower at the end of Half-Blood Prince. I’ve written an alternate ending interlacing my own words and ideas with J.K. Rowling’s words and dialogue in those final chapters. (Neville/Harry, PG-13)
Joined & Entwined. This story is set during the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of the book. I’ve written an alternate ending interlacing my own words and ideas with J.K. Rowling’s words and dialogue in those final chapters. This is a sequel to Always, Always. (Neville/Harry, PG-13)

alisanne wrote Under Clear Skies. The sky sees all. (Neville/Draco, PG)
lokifan wrote Twilight. Neville and Draco on a summer night. Also, how elemental opposites make good lovers. (Neville/Draco, R)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

iulia_linnea wrote A First-Class Expression of Gratitude. (Neville, Snape, PG)

alisanne wrote Making Friends. (Neville/Luna, G)


neville100 issued Prompt 177: Lake.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.

pairing: neville/harry, pairing: neville/luna, gen: neville, pairing: neville/draco, pairing: neville/hermione

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