Longbottom Weekly: February 28, 2011

Feb 28, 2011 11:51

Fic (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Secondary Succession for dysfuncentine. “Chopping off snake heads doesn’t really qualify you for Herbology work.” It doesn’t qualify you to be a good boyfriend either. (Neville/Lavender, Neville/Cho, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote I Believe I Am the Best for dysfuncentine. Neville's views on his perfect relationship with Hannah, with a bonus section told from Hannah's POV. (Neville/Hannah, PG)
Anonymous wrote He Would Never for dysfuncentine. This far, and no farther. Augusta couldn’t let go, but Minerva had to, and it tore them apart. (Augusta/Minerva, R/NC-17)
chantefable wrote Touch. Just two Hogwarts professors on a workday night. (Neville/Remus, R)
celandineb wrote Apology. Draco comes to apologize to Neville. (Neville/Draco, PG)

alisanne wrote On the Hogwarts Express. Over the years, the Hogwarts Express provided some of Neville's best and worst memories. (Neville/Ginny, G)

Drabbles (200 words and shorter)

angela_snape wrote Under the Dragon Tree. (Neville/Bill, PG)

hpfangirl71 wrote A Risky Moment. (Neville/Scorpius, R)

Various and Sundry

neville100 issued Prompt 162: The Hogwarts Express.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.

pairing: neville/cho, pairing: neville/bill, pairing: neville/scorpius, pairing: neville/lavender, pairing: neville/remus, pairing: augusta/minerva, pairing: neville/hannah, pairing: neville/ginny, pairing: neville/draco

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