dorrie6 wrote
Making Promises. Dean sends Neville a book he thinks he’ll enjoy. (Neville, G)
sumusieni wrote
Diamond’s the Friend. Concentrating, Neville drank the slightly oleaginous potion. (Neville, the Trio, PG)
mosaic wrote
Come Home for
springtime_gen. Years after the war, Luna goes to find Neville, who has been gone ever since. (Neville, Luna, PG)
lionille wrote
Into the Marsh. Susan straightened her hat and stepped off the busy alleyway into the cool sanctuary of the plant shop. (Neville/Susan, G)
suntzu_s wrote
Harry Potter’s Pants. Neville perched precariously on the end of the Gryffindor’s table desperately trying to concentrate on the text book in front of him. It was a task he was failing miserably at. (Neville/Harry, PG)
redhousecreeper wrote two fics:
Untitled. Neville and Katie have a race to the finish. (Neville/Katie, PG)
On Crossbreeding and Her Wonderfully Expressive Body. Neville tutors Katie in a show of Gryffindor loyalty. (Neville/Katie, PG)
coffee_n_cocoa wrote
Sweet Surprise. Ginny receives an early birthday gift. (Neville/Ginny, G)
amidalashari wrote
A History of Violence for
springtime_gen. A brief summary of the life and times of the Boy Who Might Have Been. (Neville gen, PG-13)
lanyon began A Stranger Inside for
The Effect of Impact on Stationary Objects. It is the first day of fifth year for Alice; it's all about the journey, really. (Alice, PG)
Electric Shock. The first of the Longbottoms' encounters with Voldemort; Alice and Frank are on their honeymoon, having married in secret (or so they thought). (Alice, Frank, PG-13)
Tomorrow Is Something We Remember. Alice's first day of Auror-training is eventful, to say the least. (Alice, PG-13)
earlwyn began
Rushing Downward to the Lowland. Visiting old Professor Lupin might lead to some answers, or at least better questions. (Neville, Remus, PG-13)
stepharts drew
Hermione and Neville in the Department of Mysteries. (Neville, Hermione, G)
Various and Sundry
neville100 has a new mod and a new weekly challenge.
Do you know of or have a link to fic or artwork on LJ to include? Comment here or email