Jun 18, 2011 06:31
It's hard to get back into large blocks of consecutive thought after getting so used to chunking things up for Twitter.
Work is still bullshit. Got my review, which I could not care any less about. They're fucking us out of raises this year no matter what, so unless they're going to fire me, what incentive do I have to change anything? "Do better because we want you to". Fuck you, ABC. I am disappointed that going to work for Total Wine didn't work out (so far). There remains a slim hope, but I'm no longer waiting with baited breath like I was when Scotty first went there.
My left knee has been acting up lately. It's aggravated by standing on it for long periods of time, and guess what I do for most of the workday? Apparently, spending time in the cold and then coming back into warm areas also triggers it. I have a nagging suspicion that it's the beginnings of arthritis. For fuck's sake, I'm not even 30 yet.
I feel immensely restless lately. That feeling that something is missing from my life, and it's fuzzy what that might be. A couple of nights of drunken reverie have led me to consider the possibility that I may shift my life in another direction, one of two possibilities. But I do feel that 28 is a bit too late to start all over from scratch... and 28 in relatively poor health in several respects. I'm not 19 anymore.
I have been sleeping better (if still not enough). I seem to be getting more REM sleep, so that the 5-7 hours I get on the typical night seems far more restful... though it still is amazingly restorative to sleep 10+ hours on days off when I can.
I think I've finally settled on an idea for a tattoo that fits all of my criteria. Large (12-16") dolphin flukes between and onto my shoulder blades on my upper back. It's simple, meaningful, and easy to cover if necessary. Though at that size, it would no doubt be fairly expensive.
In the future, I shall try to keep up with this better, even if that means lots of smaller posts made from my phone, like I used to do. Sometimes it's nice to have a rambly stream of consciousness.