Apr 30, 2011 03:10
- 00:47:48: RT @HAL9000_: To those saying Kate Middleton is the first QILF, 2 things: 1. She won't be Queen until she's 60+ and 2. Queen Rania of Jordan
- 00:51:22: RT @CetaceanSociety: In the 29 April 2011 issue of "Science", contributing author David Grimm asks, "Are Dolphins Too Smart for Captivit ...
- 00:54:15: RT @StarTrek: @ sheldoncooper are you an honorary grad of the science or command division of Starfleet Academy? Oh, and cool LCARS.
- 00:58:31: RT @geektrooper: It is such bullshit that Jessica Rabbit isn't considered a Disney Princess. RT @ andykhouri Word.
- 00:59:00: RT @jennakimjones: Bacon bits are like tic tacs for Paula Deen. #nonroyalweddingtweet
- 03:12:15: Last night's episode of #bbt was awesome. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Nice to see Sheldon dishing it out instead of taking it.
- 03:25:02: Listening to “Tax Free” by Jimi Hendrix ♫
- 03:29:52: "Walking The Dog FAIL" http://t.co/id2Asl1 via @ FAILBlog (there are not words)
- 05:05:40: RT @tursiae: The Royals: proving that incest will get you somewhere, for the last few hundred years. There's hope, Tasmania.
- 05:12:06: "He'll Probably Have To Change It Again Soon" http://t.co/HUsG0HT via @ thereifixedit (equal parts brilliant and insane)
- 05:17:21: Listening to “I Don't Care” by Fall Out Boy ♫ (I hate that this managed to get stuck in my head. Help!)
- 06:34:40: UPS 3-Day comes on Saturdays, right?
- 09:05:57: Made some more significant progress on the pile of music. So damn close now...
- 09:16:00: More disgusting: smoking or chewing tobacco?
- 17:16:12: I'm at ABC Fine Wine & Spirits (3015 W. Kennedy Blvd., btw New Jersey Ave. & Gomez Ave., Tampa) http://4sq.com/lp06HJ
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