From Twitter 04-24-2011

Apr 25, 2011 03:11

  • 00:59:18: Scrambled eggs, a burrito, and a whisky sour for dinner. I'm random.
  • 01:22:59: I hope that boiling cheese is enough to kill mold spores in and on it. Otherwise I'm probably going to be very sick later.
  • 01:42:22: Chasing the whiskey sour down with an amaretto sour. I haven't had either in a long time.
  • 03:42:27: RT @denisleary: Glenn Beck can't be this crazy and sober. He must be huffing chalkboard dust.
  • 04:07:31: If anyone spoils the new Doctor Who episode for me, I will horribly murder them. That is all.
  • 04:11:37: RT @CetaceanSociety: Riverview, CAN: Dolphin stuck in river mud rescued by fisheries officer using borrowed canoe. BEST news of the week ...
  • 04:12:24: RT @JennyJohnsonHi5: And eat their dicks??? RT @KimKardashian: Starving! Where should I go eat in Minneapolis? I think I'm gonna go to 5 ...
  • 04:48:53: Listening to “Freak Of The World” by Puddle Of Mudd ♫ (officially my theme song right now)
  • 05:01:30: I believe there is a difference in being "crazy" in the way that I am (operating out of societal norms) and being mentally defective.
  • 05:12:59: Die soon and poor. (Vulcan insult)
  • 05:21:22: 4.5hrs of sleep, and I just can't shut off my brain. This is why swing shifts suck, boys and girls.
  • 05:23:54: I liked a @ YouTube video from @JDCartee LCARS
  • 05:36:28: Time to try sleeping again. I hope I don't have to be high-functioning at work tomorrow (today).
  • 10:25:09: RT @SethMacFarlane: If the rabbit was named "Rabbit", the piglet was named "Piglet", and the owl was named "Owl", why wasn't Christopher ...
  • 12:10:48: I'm at ABC Fine Wine & Spirits (3015 W. Kennedy Blvd., btw New Jersey Ave. & Gomez Ave., Tampa)
  • 13:00:23: RT @SethMacFarlane: Eddie Rabbit loves a rainy night because he’s never seen how L.A. people drive on a rainy night.
  • 14:13:17: Unless you're Scottish, plaid is generally a poor fashion choice.
  • 19:01:15: It smells like wet dog outside.
  • 19:42:51: RT @mrdavehill: My niece is two. Half the stuff she says is nonsense. The other half is bullshit.
  • 19:49:02: It rained like a bastard for about an hour today while I was at work. Looks like I can put off washing the car for a bit longer.
  • 20:09:40: Well, the marked down partly moldy cheese I cooked with last night didn't kill me, but it did give me the shits.

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