From Twitter 04-22-2011

Apr 23, 2011 03:10

  • 00:49:21: RT @denisleary: White people are a minority in 45 American cities. Thank you, spray-tanning industry.
  • 00:49:27: RT @DolphinSeeker30: Europe's first killer whale born after artificial insemination Not a cause for celebration!!
  • 01:00:15: RT @RexHuppke: Happy BP oil spill anniversary, also known as "Thanks For Nothing, Aquaman" Day.
  • 01:57:55: RT @DolphinSeeker30: Nemo finally gets what he deserves :-D
  • 02:04:23: RT @BrookeAlvarez: McDonald's is making 50k new hires. Guess they have a lot of openings due to all the suicides. #WhatDoYouThink http:/ ...
  • 02:04:29: RT @grantimahara: I like signing NDAs. It means what you're about to see is so cool, you CAN'T TELL ANYONE.
  • 02:10:15: RT @JennyJohnsonHi5: Virginia Slim is my favorite oxymoron.
  • 02:12:59: RT @robdelaney: They tell you zits go away after you're a teenager BUT IN FACT YOU HAVE THEM TILL THE DAY THEY PUT YOU IN THE GROUND.
  • 02:21:48: RT @ebertchicago: "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in philosophy; the search for a moral justificati ...
  • 02:22:26: RT @wilw: Inspired by today's QC, I think I'm going to start saying, just a little too loudly, "It'll be easy to hide the body. I know a ...
  • 03:59:19: The theme from Doctor Who (especially in the 1980s iteration) sounds like it could've been done by Pink Floyd. Am I right?
  • 04:06:50: RT @HAL9000_: I was proud of myself for not cursing all day, but then I just realized my family filter was left on. Fuck.
  • 04:15:02: RT @MrTeller: Now and then I like trying to write definitions I think would fit in a new edition of Ambrose Bierce's "The Devil's Dictio ...
  • 04:15:06: RT @MrTeller: PEACE PROCESS, n., War.
  • 04:16:22: The streaming selection on #netflix is starting to get seriously nice. All of SG1, all of B5, all Farscape....
  • 05:42:40: I booted the desktop up from a recovery disk to run a routine disk check, and decided to also defrag it while I had it down.
  • 05:48:37: At least the hi-cap netbook battery holds a charge, even if the factory one is fucked.
  • 05:49:56: I decided to go ahead and order that tablet. I found one on ebay with the same specs, a couple bucks cheaper, and free shipping.
  • 05:53:36: I realized that there is a place for a talet for me, and that place is directly between the netbook and the phone.
  • 15:29:20: Islam is a fairly young faith. What sorts of things were popularly believed before Mo came along in the middle east?
  • 17:39:04: I'm at ABC Fine Wine & Spirits (3015 W. Kennedy Blvd., btw New Jersey Ave. & Gomez Ave., Tampa)
  • 17:41:16: I think society would be so much better off if we drug out all the stupid people into the streets and shot them in the head.
  • 17:50:16: RT @GeorgeTakei: Anyone else question why small is “Tall” at Starbucks? #WarIsPeaceFreedomIsSlavery
  • 17:50:29: RT @slashdot: AT&T Admits Network Can't Handle iPhone, iPad Traffic
  • 18:17:53: Ah, fuck! My phone's power button isn't working. I may have to use the insurance to replace it.
  • 19:45:09: Yucca smells god-aweful.
  • 19:47:05: I am so fucking tired... And I've gotten decent sleep (6+ hours) for the last several days. What the hell's going on?
  • 21:42:17: RT @ slashdot Police Using Apple iOS Tracking Data For Forensics (okay, NOW you can panic)
  • 22:26:33: I'm really starting to hate college kids.
  • 23:37:52: RT @donttrythis: Wtf!? Bubble wrap that can't be popped? Where's the fun in that?

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