From Twitter 04-07-2011

Apr 08, 2011 03:10

  • 01:21:24: RT @AllieBrosh: Did you guys know that Facebook has a Twitter account? That's like a car driving around on a motorcycle.
  • 01:41:36: New MythBusters! Whoo!
  • 02:51:27: You know what I want for xmas? A giant spool of detcord.
  • 03:27:01: I have go to a stupid sexual harassment prevention class. I've been to the damn thing three times previously.
  • 03:43:00: I can't stand to watch politcians be interviewed. The way they dodge, twist, and backpedal from direct questions makes me sick.
  • 03:46:03: Political interviews are like watching 3yr-olds fingerpaint with dog shit. They're just smearing it all over, and it doesn't get prettier.
  • 03:56:14: I won't be cleaning the car's air filter tonight. It has to air-dry before being oiled, and it's not warm enough out for that.
  • 04:36:07: RT @MrHolise: @ CetaceanSociety "@SeaWorld Orlando killer whale death is third in four months, 24th in 25 years - Orlando Sentinel: http: ...
  • 06:12:06: I'm a Anarchist not because I think people are inherently nice to each other, but sometimes that motherfucker over there just needs killing.
  • 06:45:42: Ah, fuck it. I'll do those chores tomorrow. Hooray for procrastination!
  • 06:53:21: I started watching Firefly again. I love that show. The only downside is that the language is contagious.
  • 06:54:08: Co-workers don't get it when I say things like "gorram", or "shiny". At least "sideways" is pretty universal.
  • 07:36:22: Is it reverse karma when you have good things happen to you, and then expect to have to "pay" for it in bad things happening?
  • 07:53:30: Closer (Please?)
  • 07:55:31: How in the fuck is it 8AM already?!
  • 13:38:55: Neighbors woke me up by having a screaming fight over one of them spraying another's dog with chemicals. WTF?
  • 13:43:05: Hm, seems like the antifreeze in the car's carpets is finally evaporated. Good.
  • 14:01:21: Stupid sexual harassment class. (@ ABC Fine Wine & Spirits)
  • 16:22:10: I'm at ABC Fine Wine & Spirits (3015 W. Kennedy Blvd., btw New Jersey Ave. & Gomez Ave., Tampa)
  • 17:48:31: RT @TheOnion: American Voices: Longer Work Day May Increase Heart Attack Risk
  • 17:51:19: RT @KariByron: @ grantimahara @geofftherobot When partying with a robot, I would wear a tool belt.

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