Apr 07, 2011 03:11
- 01:36:37: I'm making black spaghetti!
- 01:39:39: RT @DustyTrice: Bristol Palin’s Nonprofit Paid Her Seven Times What It Spent On Actual Teen Pregnancy Prevention http://tric.es/hhRSiZ
- 01:45:55: RT @Puddinstrip: need more coke and post-it notes #HollywoodPostItNote
- 01:47:10: RT @donttrythis: And in case you hadn't heard, THERE'S A NEW EPISODE OF MYTHBUSTERS ON TOMORROW NIGHT. NEW SEASON! Sorry for yelling.
- 02:13:17: Black spaghetti in the strainer. http://twitpic.com/4hhkly
- 03:38:44: I favorited a @ YouTube video http://youtu.be/fuqS6zs5gds?a Einstein vs Stephen Hawking - Epic Rap Battles of History 7
- 04:12:53: Son of a bitch. My phone's hi-capacity battery is starting to drop to 0% from the 40% range. Joy. Goddamn Li-Ion batteries! *sigh*
- 04:39:16: There's an offer for a free license for #Trillian pro if you sign up for a trial of #Netflix now. I already have Netflix, so I can't do it.
- 04:48:08: Fucking a. The nebook's battery is also showing signs of being fucked. Fortunately, I have a hi-cap to replace it with.
- 04:53:00: So, my phone, iBook, and netbook all are getting to the point where they need battery replacement. At the same time. I'm a lucky guy.
- 05:10:40: Using the netbook is less comfortable while lying on the couch then using the phone.
- 09:55:17: I favorited a YouTube video -- Einstein vs Stephen Hawking - Epic Rap Battles of History 7 http://youtu.be/fuqS6zs5gds?a
- 20:12:05: RT @Grioden: Dish Network wins Blockbuster's assets in bankruptcy court. Translation: Useless firm buys corpse of company with no strate ...
- 20:19:26: Another wasted day sleeping. But I feel rested and wonderful. You win some, you lose some.
- 20:19:43: Even in the dark, I might recharge the air filter in my car tonight.
- 20:21:27: RT @DrAlex_: FUCK YOU! maybe if white people would stop sending us back they'd be less RT @danieltosh: why are tacos twice the price on ...
- 20:21:33: RT @CetaceanSociety: AUS: A LIFELIKE, 3D swim-with-dolphins will soon be avail at Bunbury Dolphin Discovery Center. http://bit.ly/fryXuV
- 20:22:10: RT @nerdbastards: ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’ Nabs it’s Director, Craig Gillespie http://bit.ly/h0rtZb
- 20:35:12: RT @BrentSpiner: RT@amnglitch
@ BrentSpiner bullshit. Warp core almost went critical every episode and you still used that.--This is a ...
- 20:41:04: RT @thinkgeek: Awesome circuit board coffee table is awesome http://j.mp/eRwWOi ...and irresistibly unsafe for geeklings?
- 20:45:30: Stupid neighbor kids. I want to go outside and herd them all into the Dale Mabry traffic. Shut up, you little bastards!
- 20:47:13: RT @Hal9000_: My dreams are mostly about some multi-colored pipes building themselves... OR the words "Dave's Computer" moving left to right
- 20:47:28: RT @IsisTheAmazon: If I did that, I'd give more erections than #Viagra.. @Jaybirdhall: Maybe you should go out in the parking lot & turn ...
- 20:51:35: RT @robdelaney: Glenn Beck leaving FOX is like The Borg taking a shit.
- 20:52:46: RT @hoverbird: Everybody thinks "The Social Network" is the best movie about forming a new startup, but they are wrong. The best movie i ...
- 20:53:11: RT @DemetriMartin: Please RT this to achieve nothing for no cause.
- 20:55:30: RT @MikeBundyDude: @ sethmacfarlane "Be Nice." -- New Testament in tweet form.
- 20:59:06: RT @ChrisPirillo: It's amazing. I use my phone all day, but not for making calls.
- 21:35:42: My neigbors are having a party with loud music and screaming children in the breezeway. I know it's not late yet, but goddamn, people!
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