Today's Twitter Digest:

Jun 14, 2009 22:00

Today's Tweets:

  • 01:34 Tonight was actually kind of fun. And I actually made decent money on commission, too. #
  • 04:19 Probably should get some sleep. Got to forcibly shelve the desire to play more Spore. #
  • 04:21 #
  • 04:41 Okay, now it's bed time. Goodnight all! #
  • 14:30 Another Sunday. Bloody Sundays. #
  • 16:12 Ah, Sundays at my "home" store. It may suck, but at least I'm used to it. #
  • 16:24 Yep, back to getting diddly shit for commissions again. Some guy bought three bottles of a non-commission wine instead of my suggested one. #
  • 17:02 Matt said he was hanging around with someone who said he was "smart". I started laughing so hard I almost fell down. #
  • 17:06 I am really not looking forward to getting back on my knees and cleaning. #
  • 17:45 Matt said: "I just realized that I'm starting to hate my job". Best laugh I've had in days. #
  • 21:53 Matt: "I actually prefer to hit on women with vaginas." #
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