Monday I brought box lady extra boxes on my way home, and she gave me a giant serving of her seafood fried rice as a thank-you. Delicious. Scallops, shrimp, and crabmeat. Made for one hell of a nice dinner, definitely a cut above the usual rice / ramen / spaghetti options open to me.
After eating, I basically passed out on the couch. Slept (with a couple of interruptions) from about 8PM until almost 1PM the next day. The debt must be paid.
Tonight at work sucked. Slow as hell, had some annoying moments. But, I got to talk with the IBM service tech, who gave us his direct number, so we can avoid going through the rigmarole next time something acts up.
Sherman (co-worker) dumped two 24oz cans of natty ice into a big gulp cup and was sipping on it for the last two hours or so we were open. I didn't put things together until he went to buy the damaged cans. He made up a weak story about how he "found some damages" and he was "going to buy them so inventory wasn't off". Personally, I don't care. But the idea of sipping on a giant quantity of beer in a cup and then driving home... eh. I've been known to have one drink with a meal or while out and then consider myself okay to drive a few hours later, after I've clearly metabolized the alcohol. It may be none of my business, but still caused me some consternation.
Nervous about meeting Marci (
delfinus) in person for the first time tomorrow. Looking forward to it, though. While she's in town, I'll probably be too occupied entertaining to make any updates. And if I do, they'll be very short.
Pushed back working on the Syracuse trip / wedding post. It's already gigantic, and only a bit more than half-done. So I can say with reasonable certainty that it'll be worth the wait. The hardest part was getting into the groove and getting started, and that's over with. Now I just have to find the time to finish it, which I will as soon as possible. Right now it's looking like Friday, though there's an outside chance that I'll get around to banging it out by tomorrow, depending on when I get done vacuuming and such.
Still need to get the car's parking brake looked at... but I'm not sure when I'll get the chance. I'd like to do it today, but I don't think that I'm going to have enough time.