Sep 24, 2008 05:37
Well, there's a been a lot keeping me busy. Yeah, I know... nickel for every time I used that line. Well, there has been a lot. It's just been a lot of the same. Working, trying to make ends meet on about $150/mo less than I can really manage on right now. That's pretty much all that's been happening other than the following.
Started (and finished, up to the 10th episode of the 4th season) of BSG. I really enjoyed it, very compelling.
Noticed my throat start to feel the early stages of being sore at work the other day. I upped my water intake then and today, and while it was worse when I got up today, it's a lot better now. So maybe I dodged it. Here's hoping.
It's a little bit frightening to admit this, but I found my first (and second) gray hairs in the mirror recently. It's not blazingly apparent yet, but I sure as hell noticed. I'm 25, for fuck's sake. I guess it's true what they say about stress causing premature aging. It's a good thing I really don't plan or want to live past 40.