Jun 08, 2008 03:43
I've kept to my workday routine surprisingly well, given that I've never really had much of one before. A large part of that is probably due to it's simplicity and the fact that I don't really have a social life to speak of.
Typically, I start my day less than an hour before I have to get to work. I get up, stumble into the bathroom, shave, shower, get dressed, grab some coffee, my lunch and my water bottle on the way out the door. Takes me about 20-25 minutes to get to work. The longest part is the mile and change to get on the I-275 on-ramp. At certain times that's clogged with pretty heavy traffic, usually on weekday afternoons. Fortunately, I'm not typically on the road at those times, since I'm a mid-day shift worker (mostly 11-7 or 12-8). Get to work, work for as close to four hours as I can manage, and then take some time to go eat lunch in my car (and usually post something to LJ after I'm done eating, if I have anything to say). Watch the clock for the last hour I'm there, and take off a couple of minutes after the hour. Go home, wonder what flavor of crack people on the road with me are smoking. Get home, dump my stuff inside, check the mail. Change out of nasty work clothes, putter around, eat dinner, play with the computer or watch TV for a bit. Refill the coffee-maker and set the timer for the next day. Make the next day's lunch (two packets of ramen noodles, rotating through the flavors mushroom, oriental, chili, and shrimp) and fill the water bottle. Put both in fridge. Depending on when I got home, go to bed anywhere from midnight to 4AM (4AM is usually on Sunday nights, when I close. Typically it's 12-2).
As I mentioned in a previous post, I've taken to signing onto IM services using my phone from work. AIM and MSN work pretty well, but Yahoo tends to be bitchy. It kills time, and as slow as Sundays usually are, I'm going to have plenty of time to kill tomorrow evening.
I caved in and bought one of the nice coolers we have today. It claims it'll keep the contents cold for three days at 90F. True or not, even daring to make that claim proves it's a pretty decent one. It was a bit impulsive, but since I'm planning on going to Clearwater to both look for a job and to beach bum either tomorrow or the next day, I'm sure I'll be able to put it to good use. Jen says we're allowed to mooch ice from work, so I'll be able to fill it up the night before for free, too.
Had four bucks left in my wallet from some cash transaction a while back, so I stopped at a SubWay on the way home and got myself a six-inch veggie. That and a hard cider made for one of the more satisfying dinners I've had in quite some time.
spent money,