Bonjour the world.
It's my first post after I got a hole in my tounge.
Cool huh?
I know you're envious and jealous at the same time.
Wasn't as bad as I've expected.
But, when people saw it, they were like "Ouch!".
I was like, it's seriously not that pain okay.
Anyway, I did quite well for my Eoys and I'm satisfied with what I got.
Not to mention that I could have not pass my English.
But ya, I'm officially promoted to Sec 4D.
I feel kind of sorry for people who can't get promoted from my class if there is.
Haven't been seeing Sean since he got his tooth extract which resulted an eight-day mc.
So, the clique was like closer without the presence of him.
Like we were all talking about everything.
It's quite cool how we get to bond.
Going to school the last three days including today was a waste of time and effort to be frank.
We pratically did nothing.
Every lesson appeared to be like a free one.
We were like talking and roaming about or reading books.
I'm reading The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants currently and it seemed interesting.
6 freaking days till Daddy would be back.
I seriously have no idea how he would react seeing my tounge.
Anyway, took pictures of myself yesterday on bed when I was bored and getting an insomnia.
Well, they look kind of unglamorous.
But ya, you can see a dark spot on my tongue for the second one and that's the stud.
That's all folks.
Love and misses, Daddy.