Jun 19, 2010 01:00
- 01:19 @ Samuraiko I read that as 'licking yourself'. Baaahahahaha. #
- 01:22 @ Samuraiko I'd pay for that show, and volunteer to lend a hand. Huzzah, late night pervertedness! #
- 01:43 Daaaaaw! Proposal via video game. This is freaking epic! youtu.be/7_HMLvLB7b0 #LoveyDovey #
- 13:21 Tea 'risk for rheumatoid arthritis' #RheumatoidArthritis #Fibromyalgia tinyurl.com/RAtearisk #
- 13:24 @ JonDavisHades So buy her
a stuffed puppy? # - 22:55 Frackin' brilliant, this is! RT @scifiwire: The (Illustrated) Hitchhiker's Guide to Daleks bit.ly/cId5Cm #