Apr 22, 2005 01:48
I just erased an entry on basically everything pertaining to sound. Communication continuation vacuum fucking donkey butt-lick! GODDAMMITT. I was trying to explain that a physical body (in an atmosphere) would require auditory ability as a primary positioning or targeting sense since, any noise is potentially, another sound from a turned away scale and every center is relative. At such heights and high energies, only particles with spin matter. Collisions of sound waves are semi-relevant to emissions. It is clear how in an atmosphere vibrations don't register as well as heat and friction do because fluid (air) can be very... slippery yet, fragile tones can be transposed by equilibrium into visual interpretations as though in a vacuum field by: stratification (sound waves erode as water does), imagination (mentally contrasting audition), supplementation (allowing a pitch to harmonize atomic vibration throughout material structure), & preception (not allowing dischord to permeate). We tune many things out, but in cyberspace all things are one. Inaccurate as vision may be in imposing a symbol of sound, this may be a way to understand the makeup of a tonal source rather than its shape or size. A shallow task: define imagination. Consciousness teems with interdimensional activity only to be swallowed by imagination's massive, though, slow-moving shadow. I am getting over-tracked.