+ Summer vacation! Yessssss. My schedule is jam-packed. I've dedicated myself heartily to the goals of losing weight and writing more. I'm even reading more! I'm still reading up on the classic book recs. And Agatha Christie. hur hur this is so repetitive but if you have any fantastic just-for-fun book recs (Isaac Asmimov, for example) i-it'd be nice. but i already asked for book recs like two weeks ago ohohoho
+ But speaking of classics, if anyone RPs Dorian Gray, their username needs to be a reference to "why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer." Said book was rather romantic.
limyaael has a lot of fantasy rants that are really interesting. If you're writing a fantasy novel, I'd say check it out! It has a lot of thought-provoking things and, well, book lists that I will blatantly breath upon. Then again, most everybody already knows this.
+ Ah, right.
get_to_writing! Though I'm not sure how my idea will go. Probably. Badly. It's supposed to be a commentary on society, but I feel more like rebel without a cause. I should probably just do a slice of life instead. But everyone else has such fun ideas! Can't wait to get reading on them.
+ Like always, my priorities are straight and true, and I'll probably spend more time on fanfiction than original works this summer. I've just finished the second draft of a 21,000+ words fanfiction for the Phoenix Wright Kink Meme that I am absolutely sure nobody will read. (And no it is not smutty, though that would be pretty epic smut right there.) It's the ending that gets me. It's not a bad ending, but it's a very melondramatic one.
+ And I've been feeling a little out of it for the RP front. It's fun playing, but I guess it's the prolonged period of tagging that is very :| That, and since I reformatted my computer, I need to re-download LJ Login. I also want to app someone for
mayfield_rpg. But I will mull over it. Must confer with Orange.