I am convinced that much of teenage and suburban depression is a direct result of Christianity and Islam or any religion that focuses on the afterlife. When we see our home as being a place we must die to go to, it makes this world seem bleak and foreign- manifesting feelings of isolation and alienation. However, I do not believe in any afterlife
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Now I suppose believing this theory takes some faith as well, however I have much more faith in science than I do invisible men in the sky.
I do agree with that feeling of being disconnected from personal interactions. I have noted this for a while and noted it goes away when engaged in conversation or just the company of another human. But I don't think it discredits my theory. I don't think there is any one root of depression. I also do not agree that Everything is motivated by the desire to reproduce like Doctor F. said. I think that my motivation for everything is happiness. I think this is true with most people that I know as well. Why do we listen to music, because it makes us happy by taking our minds off our trouble. Why watch a movie? The same reason. Why buy clothes? Drink alcohol? Hang out with friends? Play basketball? Sadly, all these things are only temporary; then you get into Buddhism and the four noble truths. I think Freud can be easily disproved by this one fact. I do not watch TV because I think it makes me more attractive to the opposite sex. Pretty much anything does that eh eh eh I do it for the same reason as everything else. It takes my mind off the boredom and sadness.
yes, the boredom and sadness well I guess you just have to look dukkha
squarely in the eye and see it for what it is: a universal characteristic of existence and nothing else. The reason we are fooled is that because this lfe contains so many pleasant occasions and sense contacts, we think if we could just keep this pleasantness going dukkha would never come again. We try over and over again to make this happen, until in the end we finally see that the pleasantness cannot continue because the law of impermanence intervenes. . . . So we continue our search for something new, because everybody else is doing it too."
Buddism seems to be the basis for positive thinking.
the superstring theory (which I love) somehow it sounds as if we are a big computer program just running its course and our free will is just the (if flag is set to______then______ type stuff) Maybe it is just ego but I still wonder who the computer programmer is…….do you then think that all this intricate webbing is the result of just some sort of big bang type thing, like you think all this just happened?
"The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."
Interesting NOTE:
television is an addictive drug, one that is no better than opium, heroin, or any other opiate. Television is just as (and possibly even more) harmful to the body-brain as every other drug. But there's one big difference. All other drugs apparently pose a threat to the established social order. Television, however, is a drug that is actually essential to maintaining the social infrastructure. Why? Because it brainwashes consumers to throw money at the gaping void of their meaningless, terror-filled lives. And by brainwashed, I mean they've been hypnotized using very subtle and established techniques which, when coupled with television's natural effects on brain waves, make for the most ambitious psychological engineering ruse ever concocted.
Psychophysiologist Thomas Mulholland found that after just 30 seconds of watching television the brain begins to produce alpha waves, which indicates torpid (almost comatose) rates of activity. Alpha brain waves are associated with unfocused, overly receptive states of consciousness. A high frequency alpha waves does not occur normally when the eyes are open. In fact, Mulholland's research implies that watching television is neurologically analogous to staring at a blank wall.
I should note that the goal of hypnotists is to induce slow brain wave states. Alpha waves are present during the "light hypnotic" state used by hypno-therapists for suggestion therapy.
I hope you are successful with your writing and your wish to travel it sounds like a plan and don't just wait for it to happen engage yourself in things that lead up to it.
"We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality."
"Two things inspire me to awe -- the starry heavens above and the moral universe within ."
I have no special gift . I am only passionately curious .
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