Oct 11, 2005 06:24
IM watchINg Grease Right now .. totaly in love with it..
i had a terrible break down today at my nieces and nephews baptism... to much drama .. my grama is amzing ... they r probaly gonna have her hosue remodeled by chirstmas..which would be just in time for those nice events held tehre... its so sad though even thou its gonna look nice and they ll have a room for me if i desided to go there .. its gonna be sad seeing it so differnet after the fire...
i cleaned my sisters rooms upstairs for her after all this jake shit my lil cuzins helped it was nice... i just cant believe he had the nerve to be there today... my heart is broken fo rher...
the only thing thats goign right is neda and kevin in my life at themoment .. everything else is tanted
todays a sad day ...