
Jan 20, 2005 13:30

Damn it i am gettin major fucking pissed at my job at the hospital. i anit getting no hours, no money. no nothing. I do not understand none of this shit. i give up i don't know why i even bother with anything any more. i need a ca, i need money and i anit got jack shit. other then my shit that i am saying in here i am bored outa my mind, there any nothing to do. i only been here online playing halo 2 or somethin. it gets really boreing after a while. i need to grow up and have a girlfriend where i can spend all my time with. but that anit happpening. maybe i just start a new life and move to florda or something. but i can't not with out any money. o well i will just stay here in my little place and not care. no money, no hours in a job. NO NOTHING

fuck it

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