Aug 22, 2004 09:04
Well, this is going to be the first time that I have separat RL and RP posts inside my journal(s). Last night was a little odd in that all of the action happened at work in the early hours of the night. Before I ever arrived there were three noise complaints on the phone, two of which turned out to be bogus while the third was legit to a point. Then I had to call the cops to take apart a domestic dispute. That all went fairly well and the night actually went fairly quickly. I like my job but the pay sucks so bad that I'm bairly making my bills right now so it has come down to finding another one fairly quickly that actually pays a decent wage that a human can survive on with a little left over.
Oh well, my cat is just as spoiled as ever and he is doing what I should be, sleeping and dreaming of chasing mice.