Recently I have been getting a few things set up to start doing some Internet radio, as well as Youtube videos, and a few other things. Finally going to do the one thing that has always been a constant with me. No matter what has changed over the years, I've always been WAY to opinionated for my own good. Hell, there is really only two options as you grow older, being someone like me. You either shut your mouth, because you just really don't feel like getting into it with those who disagree with you. Or you talk even more! Do things like reviews, talk news, politics, current events.
Basically, if you are someone with ALOT of opinions, GIVE THEM!
Frankly, media is now at a place where you can do ALOT of good with just your ideas and your mouth.
But you can't be boring! Well, I won't judge myself on this level, truth is, saying wether you are entertaining or not is what I would consider the ultimate arrogance. Anyone who knows me, knows arrogance ain't my thing at all. You're only as good as everyone else thinks you are.
Hopefully, we can be pretty good.
By WE, I mean myself and one of my partners,
You know, we honestly have no idea where this will go. We have no idea about much. We just have the begining of a plan, and a drive to be successful. But the truth is, if anything is going to happen, or is going to be because of our friends.
So, for now, we are going to plan, get organized, and get moving. If your gonna watch, let me know!!!
That's it for now! Unlike the 20 times before, I'm gonna be watching LJ.