Sep 21, 2006 13:22
As usual, the hours at the end of the week, are nothing like they seemed at the begining of the week. I think I've reached a point where I no longer can get annoyed about this, as it has been pounded into my head that I am not a supervisor, I am meerly a pawn. I really think I'm finally just fine with this. Which allows me to better decide on the whole "Migrate, Mutate, or Die" thing. Mutate generally works for me, you know "God love the flexible for they don't get bent out of shape" and all?
So, to reduce my self inflicted stress level a bit, I'm just going to do the following...
When it comes to work, when they tell me where they need me to be, I'll either tell them I will be there, or I will not be there. The only time I will get stressed out is when I do not have enough hours to actually afford to get ahead in life at all. I feel I need to clear $400 per week just to stay out of the red, so in order to do that, I'm becoming more flexible. I'm only going to turn down work if I have something important scheduled.
I'm also going to keep a change of clothes in my truck and some deoderant and some cologne, for those moments I have to be somewhere soon after work.
I'm going to keep my planner with me at all times, so I have a clear view of my schedule easily. Also I am going to use my lunches and breaks to study my ass off and get my Life license.
The first spare $35 I have is going to get my fingerprints, and the first $100 I have is going to get my mortgage broker license again.
I have to focus on money now that the close of camp season is here.
I have to focus on life production instead of slack production!!!
The bottom line is at the end of the month, if I don't have the cash, I don't eat the cookies!!! (And god knows I love eating cookies!!!)