Aug 01, 2006 03:55
Nyeh, well at least I got me Grams off my back about, the whole. "Why don't you ever come over anymore? Are you ashamed?! ASHAMED of your FAMILY?! The pool, Christyn. THE POOOOOL!!!" O.o; Yaaaah. Now she's goin' on about. "Why does Christyn spend her life online? Doesn't she have a boyfriend or something?! What's she doin' online anyway? She's not meeting pedophiles is she?!?! You gotta doooo somethiiing!!! She sleeps in too late and stays up too early, why when I was a kid-" Yeah I think you can see where this is goin'. Anywho, it's been pretty hawt these couple o' days, good thing for good ol' A/C unit. Or else...I dunno what I'd be doin'. Uhhm, at least I have another month of what I'm doin' now, just lounging around getting jumped on by Hercules. Getting better at Shadow of the Colossus. Aaand, I hope Joe and Jenn decide to go up North again. Cause that would be...awesome. I could feel rich again in the boat and get smacked around in the tube. Muahaha! Hmm, goin on 4AM. Not my best time but still pretty early. I miss everyone. Haven't seen Jenn since...hours ago when she got her cell phone and her cake from my house. But it was a short visit. I need more rubberbands for my rubberband ball. Bigger then an apple, since it's made up of a 1 pound bag of rubberbands. Gotta...make it..BIGGER!!! >//< Ok, let's not get obsessive. Ok? Man, no one's on right now...well, they are but their sleeping. Pfft!! WHO NEEDS SLEEP NOW AN- ZzZzZzZ...