backyard_birds is now a Global community

Mar 29, 2008 23:54

Last October this_is_warmth started an LJ community to record and share her photos of birds in her back yard. I enjoy photographing my avian visitors too, and quickly joined to learn about birds nearly 1/3 away around the globe from my back yard. It's fun!, and I have learned a lot.

A couple of weeks ago I suggested to this_is_warmth that there are probably many other lj users who photograph birds who might be looking for a place to share their experiences. We agreed that one way to find out would be to see if we could get the community nominated for a Spotlight position on LJ's front page. Last Thursday I put the nomination together ..... and 2 hours later the flood gates opened! There we were on the front page with posts pouring in so fast that I couldn't keep up with them. The level of interest has exceeded my wildest guess. Some of the photos are truly amazing, ranging from rare waterbirds in Florida through LBB's (Little Brownish Birds) from everywhere and some very beautifully coloured birds of all sizes up to majestic eagles and hawks.

We have contributors from all around the world, and the Members list is longer every time I visit.

It's well worth having a look, if for no other reason than seeing a small sample of the wide variety of beautiful birds with whom we share this Planet.
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